In our circuit we strive to live out our shared values, empowering individuals to deepen their faith and serve their communities in Epworth, Scunthorpe & Gainsborough. We invite you to join us on this journey of spiritual growth and community engagement.
Thank you for your interest in the Epworth, Scunthorpe & Gainsborough Methodist Circuit. The main sections of our website can be accessed by clicking on the buttons below. If you'd like to read our circuit prayer, please click here. Information about our Circuit Logo can be found here.
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Let us praise God,
who summons us to live as people of hope,
who lifts us when our hearts are weary,
and raises our eyes, restoring our vision,
to see a new heaven, a new earth,
which breaks in where we least expect it;
inviting us, beyond imagining,
to involvement in making real God's purposes of justice, righteousness and peace.
Let us praise God,
who leads us beyond death, to life in all its fullness,
not for our sakes, but for the sake of others;
that by God's Spirit we live with courage, compassion and commitment;
so we might be agents of change, sharing the gospel of truth and love,
as we join with God's work in the world.
Superintendent Minister: Rev Vicki Atkinson
Tel : 01724-733307
General enquiries : Circuit Office
Tel : 01724-848015
Office hours : Mon & Thurs 8:00am to 2:00pm